About the App
Creator: Roxy Ann Outdoors LLC
Purpose: Mobile version of the AZ OTC archery deer harvest limit and unit closures.
Details: Mobile application for the Arizona non-permit archery deer and other species quotas, unit closures, and current harvest statistics. Lists units by number and species. Click on each unit within the main list for more details. See closures, dates, and total harvest.
Privacy Policy
The app may utilize the input capabilities as well as the local storage capabilities of your device or browser for normal operation. As you use the app, the app creator may receive potentially sensitive information including:
Information that identifies the device/browser that you use, its locale, and timezone.
Any actual information you record via the app.
Information about your usage of the app and its features.
Cookies may be utilized when visiting external links. Please refer to those web pages' separate data/cookie policies for more details.
Data transfer
Due to the dynamic nature of the data referenced within the app, it will need to be synced. The download size of the sync may vary. By manually syncing the app you agree to the variable download size of the update and data rates that may apply from your carrier.
Pull down on any page within the app to sync.